Feel free to talk to us!

P: 781-885-7049 F: 781-885-2974 creationscare@yahoo.com info@creationshealthcare.com
Regain the ability to attend to your activities of daily living.
caregiver assisting elder woman

Our occupational therapy at Creations Health Care, Inc. specializes in helping clients regain their lost abilities perform their activities of daily living due to surgery, injury, or illness. We have occupational therapists who will carefully evaluate their current condition and design a home program tailored to them.

As such, these are the services our occupational therapists can provide:

  • Range of Motion Exercises
  • Training on the use of Mobility Assistive Devices
  • Regaining Mobility
  • Body Mechanics Rehabilitation
  • Enhancement of Upper Extremity Strength
  • Pain Management

Get in Touch
Please let us know if you have more inquiries. Send us a message today!